Title: White Rabbit: The Fall (The Kingmaker Saga Book 2)
Author: London Miller
File Size: 2859 KB
Print Length: 434 pages
Publisher: LM Books, LLC
Publication Date: February 22, 2019
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Karina Ashworth is willing to pay any price to be with the man she loves—a notorious fixer and the only man capable of making her walk away from everything she has ever known.
But power corrupts the soul too easily, and once Uilleam Runehart has his taste of it, there’s nothing he craves more. And when it comes to what he wants most, there is no line he won’t cross to get it.
With secrets plaguing them, and truths becoming harder and harder to tell, the things left unsaid between them might be their ruin.
How much would you sacrifice to be on top?
The pain and revenge started
I received an ARC in exchange of honest review
This roller coasters of emotions continued in this installment. I read all the Den of mercenaries series and I was very anxious to read this saga. The kingmaker was a character that caught me since his first appearance, and with every book my anxiety grows more and more. There was moments when I hate him and then just like a switch my feelings turns in love. The same happens with Belladonna and with everything that we read and the things she’s doing to the kingmaker just keeps me wonder what happened with this two.
The first book started all this journey and we were able to know just a little about Uilleam and Karina, but this second book is probably the one that developed all the secrets or some of them and to be honest, I just can’t helped, I cry a lot. For how the last book of the Den of mercenaries ended I have an idea of some of the things that happens to Karina, Kit and Uilleam, but still got me unguarded. I fell for Karina and completely understand her pain, hate and revenge toward Uilleam. As for him, well I wish him the worst but also not. It’s love/hate, just can helped to feel different.
As always happens with London’s work, this ones is a masterpiece, she gets better and better with every book, and I don’t know how is that possible because she’s already the best.
I love this book and the waiting for book 3 is going to be a very painful and stressful time.
I can’t said much because I may do some spoilers, big spoilers, so I’ll just keep my mouth shut and let you find out on your own, but please do it, this books are awesome.
Thank you so much to London Miller for the ARC.
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